A quick visit to Carondelet Park revealed many new (to us) treats including way-finding signs, exterior stone park signs, much needed tree removal/remediation and promise/curiosity centered around the historic railway bridge near the YMCA/Mulch Pit.
Carondelet Park
The Holly Hills Neighborhood
Holly Hills is a beautiful mix of mansions and homes built in the 1920’s that form a gorgeous setting just north of Carondelet Park. Holly Hills at the terminus of South Grand and is a gem of City living. Clean and manicured, this neighborhood is a showplace. This post includes an original tour from 2010 and some updates in 2020.
Holly Hills Volunteer Opportunity
Ever drive around the beautiful neighborhood of Holly Hills and notice all the plantings blooming throughout the year? Just check out the islands of Holly Hills Boulevard by
Park, or the huge planter pots along Grand and Bates and Morgan Ford. That is all due to a lot of hard work and dedication of one man (thanks Tim!) and the faithful support from the Holly Hills Improvement Association, Gateway Greening and Operation
. Want to meet some great people and get your hands dirty:
It’s time for Fall Planting for Spring Blooms in

Holly Hills
When…Saturday,10/17, 9 am to 12ish
Where….Leona and Holly Hills
What….3700 bulbs,330 perennials,30 Shrubs
Students Today Leaders: Volunteers with Operation Brightside will be joining us to help plant the Holly Hills Neighborhood.
Come on out and join us, many hands make light work. Bring a shovel, bring a friend, or make new friends.
Thanks to all,
Tim Bolt…. Holly Hills Improvement Association