Cortex continues to expand in the Central West End. The 200-acre innovation hub that brings together science and technology with the aim of creating an innovation community that grows together.
The large area has been adding buildings at a rapid pace. We included the rehab of 4340-50 Duncan Avenue into BioSTL as one of our 2018 development favorites. Duncan has quite an impressive and diverse set of buildings and businesses.
4210 Duncan will be the latest addition to the stretch between South Sarah Street and South Taylor Avenue to add to the interest and bring some more density to an area that needs it.
Map source: Cortex Innovation Community - Yellow Circle designates 4210 Duncan
Critics look at this section of the city and see a lot of surface and structured parking. It is true, but I’m willing to give this another ten or more years before I judge that aspect of Cortex. It’s growing very fast and a speculative development like this takes time.
4210 Duncan will become a $115M ultra-mod 320,000 square foot building for Wexford Science + Technology LLC. Cortex seems a perfect fit for Wexford who shares the overall mission of:
“…developing innovation ecosystems, engaging in neighborhood and community development, and creating an environment where companies and their employees can live, work, play, and learn are emerging as critical factors in developing municipal innovation districts and transforming research parks into Knowledge Communities.” - Wexford Science + Technology
The design is what really hooked me, and when I read someone refer to it as the Sandcrawler building on UrbanSTL, it was cemented into my brain. Of course it looks like a desert-roving jawa mover from 1970s Star Wars.
This part of Cortex used to have the massive blue warehouse and light industrial building that no one will miss, there was also a massive wall built along the Duncan sidewalk, which again, no one will miss.
We did, however, lose a handsome office building along the way on Sarah near Duncan.
You can imagine a further transformed Sarah Street, a great connector between CWE and Forest Park Southeast, if the Koman Cortex K site is developed. That project was on last years’ favorites list.
Heck maybe the city will buck up and pave the street as it’s like driving on the surface of the moon in these parts.
This building is so impressive and eye-catching, I really hope it comes to fruition. This will be one to watch in 2020.